


$ 150.00 /Month
  • 5 Custom Graphics
  • 5 posts shared throughout the month
  • 1 Private Registration Link for the website
  • 5 songs added to WWC playlist
  • 5 interviews
  • 5 music review submissions
  • Video Shoutout from Trill Will (one of the owners, not edited)
  • 1 Link built-in to the app
  • 1 Pinned post posted in all groups and chats (allowing it for a month)
  • 1 Pinned post on all pages for a month
  • 5 Instagram posts
  • 5 Instagram stories
  • 5 TikTok posts
  • 5 TikTok stories
  • 5 TikTok reposts
  • 5 YouTube posts
  • 5 videos uploaded to YouTube
  • 5 Twitter posts
  • 5 Thread posts
  • 5 Discord posts
  • 5 @EVERYONE posts on all 4 FB groups once a month
  • 1 @Highlight post once a month
  • 5 posts posted on the website from the admin account
  • 5 songs uploaded to the website from the admin account
  • 5 videos uploaded to the website from the admin account
  • Access to stream your show on the Worldwide Collaboration Facebook page
  • Access to stream your show on the Worldwide Collaboration Radio
  • Website Builder


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